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Converting MKV Files To MP4; Not working.

Posted: 05 Aug 2016 22:59
by scullyz1974
I am trying to convert an MKV file to MP4 on the VLC player; however, when it does, there is only the first two minutes of the 50-minute show, so it's converted a 425MB file into just 14 MB. I don't know what is happening. Can someone help?

Re: Converting MKV Files To MP4; Not working.

Posted: 06 Aug 2016 11:40
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Use handbrake.

Re: Converting MKV Files To MP4; Not working.

Posted: 06 Aug 2016 21:39
by scullyz1974
What is handbrake? I'm sorry...I only just downloaded the program yesterday and I'm sadly not the "tech-iest" person I know, lol.

Re: Converting MKV Files To MP4; Not working.

Posted: 04 Sep 2016 10:34
by Bennyt19
Scullyz1974 - Go to Media on the menu and select CONVERT, Add the file to convert in pop-up screen - hit Convert/Save, select Video H264+MP3 (MP4) name your destination file and hit save. YOu should see the progress bar moving and you should be able to view once done.

Re: Converting MKV Files To MP4; Not working.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 20:58
by daliaA
Yes, Progress bar moves and sometimes stops before getting to 0.0. I wait until the text Streaming (top left screen) starts to flicker before I exit out of the window. If window will not respond I use task manager to kill VLC process.
Yes mp4 IS created BUT audio is faster than the video. I hear the dialog before their lips move. Then the mp4 will crash befpre the end of the movie... :( WISH THERE AS A FIX FOR THIS. Alternative of sporadic pixolated mkv viewing is better than crashing before the end! I am converting in the hopes that the pixolated mkv will be fixed.