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Time-based playlist... HOW?

Posted: 15 Jun 2016 15:15
by geozz
Hello VLC fans,

I try to make a playlist, with a radio streaming for in my shop. Now, i want to add some MP3 files like 'we are closing in 15 minutes' and 'welcome to our shop'. In the meantime i want to hear a radiostation (skyradio) <- radio streaming works great!
So, at 15:45 i want a MP3, at 16:45 and some other times. Áll automaticly. After the MP3 voice, i want directly the radio back on.
I tried something with .BAT files, opening and closing VLC to play those MP3's but that is a lot of scripting and i dont like that.

Kindly regards,

Geoffrey Ruis, :D
Kringloop Balkbrug (.nl)

Re: Time-based playlist... HOW?

Posted: 18 Jun 2016 18:37
by Ludrax
So, at 15:45 i want a MP3, at 16:45 and some other times.
I see the item added to my playlist but I guess there is something I don't understand because the stream never starts at the designated time I set.

Re: Time-based playlist... HOW?

Posted: 19 Jun 2016 15:36
by mederi
You could prepare a playlist combining the radio stream and local mp3 files. You can set a duration for the endless radio stream by using ":run-time" or ":stop-time" VLC option with the stream. You just need to calculate durations depending on the time of playlist start, durations and desired scheduled times of mp3 messages. A VLC Extension Lua script could help you to prepare such a playlist. M3U playlist example:

Code: Select all

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,SKYRADIO #EXTVLCOPT:run-time=7200 #EXTINF:10,Welcome D:\mp3\Welcome.mp3 #EXTINF:0,SKYRADIO #EXTVLCOPT:run-time=7190
I think that it is possible to make a proper scheduler as a custom VLC Interface Lua script (something like Time v2.0).

Re: Time-based playlist... HOW?

Posted: 15 Aug 2016 22:42
by mederi

Re: Time-based playlist... HOW?

Posted: 12 Dec 2018 10:04
by sahil
i want to do something similar but not with a radiostream. In just a regular playlist, can i specify the time for which each file will be played (in loop) before moving on to next one. Like play video1 for 1 hour (in loop) and then go to next one in the playlist. So that video1 plays for the first hour and video2 for next 1 hour and then video3 for next 1 hour and so on.

Re: Time-based playlist... HOW?

Posted: 12 Dec 2018 14:36
by mederi
You could simply duplicate media items in the playlist :)