When creating the launcher command of VLC to read a m3u file :
Code: Select all
vlc http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/playlist.m3u
The solution I found, was to open directly the URL of the channel I want to read with the command line :
Code: Select all
vlc http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/playlist.m3u --open=rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=203&flavour=ld
So I loose the name of the channel, and the m3u is not opened, so to change the channel I need 2 clicks, a first one to expand the m3u playlist, and the second to choose the stream.
A solution could be something like
Code: Select all
vlc http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/playlist.m3u?PLAYLIST_PLAY=203
Code: Select all
vlc http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/playlist.m3u --playlist_play=203