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Help needed with streaming a folder of video files

Posted: 24 May 2016 17:55
by koltzc
Ok, so I have the server portion working mostly on a MacMini. Here is the command I run from Shell:

Code: Select all

/Applications// -vvv /Users/techteam/Desktop/Playlist/ --sout '#rtp{dst=,port=1234,sdp=rtsp://}' --file-caching 10000 --loop --quiet --no-playlist-tree --fullscreen --recursive="expand"
This will stream whatever files I have in the PlayList folder on my desktop.

On the client, it plays the first video and stops. What I have read seems to be outdated or doesn't work including adding a --sout-keep to the command line. That breaks it completely and doesn't stream at all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is for a K-12 school and we are trying to replace an outdated system.
