Apparently it also depends on the design of the disc if for example the change of layer only requires to refocuse the lens or if in addition one has to move the head from the outside to the inside or similar.When the laser pickup head reaches the end of the first layer it changes focus to the second layer and starts moving back toward the center of the disc. The layer change can occur anywhere in the video; it doesn't have to be at a chapter point. There's no guarantee that the switch between layers will be seamless. The layer change is invisible on some players, but it can cause the video to freeze for a fraction of a second or as long as 4 seconds on other players. The "seamlessness" depends as much on the way the disc is prepared as on the design of the player. The advantage of two layers is that long movies can use higher data rates for better quality than with a single layer.
Code: Select all
core error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 100 ms)
core error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
Code: Select all
(Error reading NAV packet.)
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