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Can This Be Done?

Posted: 09 May 2016 23:01
by enter8
I need to be able to skip through preset intervals in a playlist of songs, ie, I need to be able to tell it to, for every song, play 10 seconds, jump forward a minute, play 10 more seconds, jump forward another minute, play 10 seconds, etc. etc., until the song is done- and I need it to do this for every song in a long playlist- just looping through, song after song, without any user interaction.

Is this something VLC can do? If not, is there a plugin that performs this task?

Re: Can This Be Done?

Posted: 10 May 2016 01:28
by kmf31
Yes, if you can write scripts and start vlc in command line.

For example you can do:

vlc file1.mp3 :start-time=0 :stop-time=10 file1.mp3 :start-time=60 stop-time=70 file2.mp3 :start-time=0 :stop-time=10

etc. The number behind start- and stop-time is the number of seconds.

What you need to do is to write a script that automatically creates this type of command line for many files or which writes a playlist (with "options") that is equvalent to this command line. In Linux it should be easy with shell-scripts. In Windows it is eventually also possible but I don't know bat scripts in detail.

For the repetitions for one song I think it is no problem going beyond the length of the file (=> nothing will be played by vlc) so that a script can easily go up to a fixed number of minutes longer than any song in the list and provide the same repetitions for every file and corresponding to the longest song. If a song is shorter than the start-time and stop-time value, nothing will be played for this case.

Re: Can This Be Done?

Posted: 10 May 2016 13:06
by mederi
I will put it on TO DO list for Sampler (PG).