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Uploaded videos not playing, freezing and screen goes gray

Posted: 18 Mar 2016 21:17
by Syghe
Hello, I am looking for some help regarding videos I have uploaded to my PC from my new phone, LG G3. I have recorded 2 videos in the last 2 days and both after uploading to my PC will not play on VLC. There is sound but the screen freezes and goes gray . the videos play on all other players in my PC, windows media player, photos, movie moments. So I know its not my phone. I have been using VLC for years. VLC is my default player and I have never had an issue with playback of any file on my PC when uploaded or downloaded from any source. I have all kinds of videos up to 8 years old taken on flip phones, camcorders, and about 10 other different devices, all play no problem on VLC.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you