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Videos Not Deinterlacing

Posted: 16 Mar 2016 06:45
by Nerdy3.14159265
I've been having a lot of issues with getting VLC to properly detect and run deinterlacing on several videos I've tried to watch, especially anime. Very often it will fail to detect the visibly interlaced video. If I force deinterlacing the typical methods seem to work as expected but the important one for me, IVTC, won't work.

IVTC is really useful for anime and other animated content because it's lossless and won't cause any artifacting. No matter what I do, it seems like the IVTC filter will not do any deinterlacing, even when I have deinterlacing forced on. I'd love any help that's available because this has been bothering me for several VLC versions.

Re: Videos Not Deinterlacing

Posted: 16 Mar 2016 08:50
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Are you sure those files are interlaced? And not progressive files where the recording was done and burned in?

Re: Videos Not Deinterlacing

Posted: 16 Mar 2016 22:03
by Nerdy3.14159265
Are you sure those files are interlaced? And not progressive files where the recording was done and burned in?
I'm not sure what exactly you mean. I can see (especially if I go frame by frame) that it is visibly interlaced and has all the combing effects that I'd expect. Also if I run the files through HandBrake and set it to detelecine 95% of the interlacing will disappear.

If you mean that the file isn't flagged as interlaced then I wouldn't know for certain. The files were make using MakeMKV and when checking the files using MKVMerge I couldn't see any flags that would be used to indicate if the video was interlaced or progressive. When I extracted the wrong video file from the MKV container, VLC would sometimes detect and start deinterlacing the file but as soon as I fiddled with the settings, even just changing the type of deinterlacing, it'd stop detecting it and would refuse to deinterlace on the same settings as before unless the file was reloaded. Also, regardless of whether forced or auto-detected the IVTC filter will do absolutely nothing.

Re: Videos Not Deinterlacing

Posted: 19 Mar 2016 19:17
by Nerdy3.14159265
Was there any more information that you needed to help me figure out this problem?

Also this:
When I extracted the wrong video file from the MKV container
Was supposed to have "raw" instead of "wrong".

Re: Videos Not Deinterlacing

Posted: 31 Mar 2016 03:56
by Nerdy3.14159265
What other information do I need to post here to get some help solving this problem? I'd really like to occasionally watch my videos without having to encode them in handbrake first.

Re: Videos Not Deinterlacing

Posted: 31 Mar 2016 09:45
by Lotesdelere
Upload a short sample of a problematic file to either or to (200 MB max) or to, the latter will upload the file for you to several other hosts (use the default ones) and then post the link to the file here.

If needed cut it with DGsplit and read here about how to do it:
50 MB max should be enough.

Re: Videos Not Deinterlacing

Posted: 05 Apr 2016 07:55
by Nerdy3.14159265
Okay, I've gotten myself a sample of a file effected by the problem.

In doing this I realized that there might be something weird happening that I didn't realize or may have changed. It seems like VLC is actually detecting the interlacing and is applying it at times but there are still issues where there is definite interlacing and it doesn't deinterlace (I believe regardless of method), which is really strange. There are enough hangovers that it remains noticeable, at least for me.

You can still see some interlacing on one of the flags of the ships as they unfurl. There are other examples in some of the other clips too that are especially noticeable because they happen on a characters mouths ( I can post samples of those as well).

Re: Videos Not Deinterlacing

Posted: 14 May 2016 09:10
by Nerdy3.14159265
Okay, I've waited a full month to bump this thread. Does anyone have any ideas what the issue is?