I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit system.
I have a video file that I want to add to my icloud video collection. When I try to add it, icloud says the video is in the wrong
format. I went to a video already on icloud and checked it's properties and it said: "HTML"
The video I am trying to add, again checking properties, is in format .mov
My question, is it possible to use VLC to convert my video file so it will upload to the icloud videos as I have been trying?
When I try to convert the file, VLC wants a 'Destination' for the converted file. Using 'Browse', VLC won't let me select a
folder for destination. I searched and read numerous posts and answers, but can't seem to find one like mine. Or maybe
I just need to study converter procedures if only I could find them.
Thank you very much if you decide to help. I realize I'm not very knowledgeable with VLC operating procedures. But, I have
used VLC for most likely ten years and is always my favorite media player..