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720p vs 1080p with disabled H.264 filter

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 15:34
by Redarkady
This is probably an amateur question, in which case I'm sorry!

What produces a better HD video picture:
2)1080p with 'H.264 in-loop deblocking filter' disabled?

The laptop I'm using for videos sometimes struggles with 1080p files, but the problem is usually fixed by selecting 'skip H.264 in-loop deblocking filter' in VLC player. But maybe that produces an inferior picture to just using a 720p file?

Re: 720p vs 1080p with disabled H.264 filter

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 18:17
by Lotesdelere
The bitrate being used does matter. A 720p @ 5 Mbps will look better than a 1080p @ 1.5 Mbps, if encoded with proper settings.
And in any case it will always look better with the deblocking filter enabled.