Buffering vs. Packet Loss

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Buffering vs. Packet Loss

Postby VDMSLiveOpsRich » 09 Feb 2016 21:12

Hi All,

We use VLC Media Player in our office and it works great. It serves us well that we can use a network stream to see a live feed. This is especially important in our department. There are times where we have 50-100 network streams open at a time that we use to monitor real time feeds. Here is my question: If we have a limited amount of bandwidth from our ISP and we max that out is there going to be packet loss or will the stream actually buffer? It's very important our live feeds don't run behind. If you pause the feed using the pause button the feed will no longer be in sync and it will now run behind, is this the case with our network bandwidth as well? Are there network settings within VLC that will allow us to minimize the impact on our ISP so that we can potentially reduce the impedance on our network? Whats the best way to handle a large amount of live feeds with the least bandwidth? Would changing the amount of "output muxer caching" help to do that? This is not my specialty so I could use some help trying to understand what is happening when our feeds start getting delayed over long periods of time.

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