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Composite Videos?

Posted: 09 Feb 2016 11:58
by Cezille

I've been trying out VLC command line for processing user-recorded videos on the server-side before letting the users view them. The process involves adding sounds and music. One additional feature we'd like to implement is to merge two videos, resulting in a side-by-side video.

I've tried the following, slightly changed from the wiki:

Code: Select all

vlc -I dummy input1.mp4 input2.mp4 --sout=#gather:transcode{vcodec=h264,acodec=mpga}:std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst=output.mp4} --sout-all
along with variations that include transcoding, slave inputs... And it only shows ONE of the videos.

Am I missing something? Does VLC have this feature?

Re: Composite Videos?

Posted: 09 Feb 2016 12:16
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont

Re: Composite Videos?

Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:38
by Cezille
Thanks! With the same command plus --sout-keep, I'm seeing both videos, played one after another.

Now, if it's possible, can we have the two videos merged side-by-side, both playing at the same time as one video?

Re: Composite Videos?

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 12:23
by sampsa
I guess not.. if in both videos, the first frame does not correspond exactly to the same time instant. ;)

You might need to add lag / extra frames to your streams "by hand". No idea how that can be achieved, though..

How can I merge two mp4 videos

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 00:14
by kenneth
I followed the steps Media , Open Multiple files, Add two files from Browse, Convert/Save, gave a Folder and File Destination pressed Start. I always receive the first file in the new Saved Name file. I do not want to make a Playlist.

I want to merge only two mp4 videos. I use a new folder to hold the new file name. My application is to assemble sign language hand images with voice audio to explain to those who are not deal or mute all around the world. I can merge in youtube but not with VLC.
Are there some check boxes that need to be checked or unchecked. I see many youtube videos but I still only get the first file from the ADD , to have a new file name.