I have 2 files
video: vid.mp4 (5min long)
audio: audio.mp3 (2min long)
and want to create vid_with_audio.mp4 with the audio from audio.mp3
I want to versions:
1. where the sound from audio.mp3 is played once during the 5 min duration of the video
2. where the sound from audio.mp3 is played repeatedly during the 5 min duration of the video and truncated at the end of the video.
I tried the following command in a '.bat file:
path=C:\Program files\VideoLAN\VLC\
vlc.exe "vid.mp4" --input-slave="audio.mp3" --sout=vid_with_audio.mp4
path=C:\Program files\VideoLAN\VLC\
vlc.exe "audio.mp3" --input-slave="vid.mp4" --sout=vid_with_audio.mp4
In both cases it runs 'forever' and I got to interrup but none produces the result I am expecting.
Thanx 4 any help.