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Automatically play videos from USB-Stick

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 17:56
by mtl24
Hope I am right here. If not please help me. Thanks!

I need help to do this:
the player should automatically play all vids from USB-Stick. Is there a variable or must I ever use a filename?

The Player should play all mediafiles - here I mean mp4. How does it works?

at moment I have this autorun:

open="C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --
icon="C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe",0
action=Programm starten

When PC ist booted so it opens the player. Then I connect the USB-Stick but nothing happens. Why?

Please give me support, maybe it doesn't work. But I think it's only the correct code to use it's working.

OK, my English isn't perfect. Hope you understand what I mean. Maybe there is also a german speaker who can help. Thanks a lot!!!

Best wishes, mtl aka Mike :-)

Re: Automatically play videos from USB-Stick

Posted: 25 Nov 2015 17:48
by Ludrax