How to make VLC player pause at a specific point/time of the video without pressing pause button?
Posted: 27 Oct 2015 04:14
I am new to VLC world, so forgive me if this is a stupid question. Is there a way to make VLC player pause at a specific point/time without user input/intervention while playing a downloaded video --using bookmarks or some other mechanism?
Use case: I download videos from coursera website and watch them on my laptop, but lot of these videos have in-video quizzes, which can only be taken by playing the videos on coursera website. I want to put pause-points on downloaded videos at the points where there will be in-video quizzes and proceed to watch these videos offline on my laptop. When the VLC player pauses I will go to video on coursera website, take the in-video quiz, comeback and resume the video on my laptop. This way I don't have to keep looking at the progress bar on the player and manually pause the video when the player reaches a time/point where in-video quiz will be present. The reason for all this circus is that I have a data-capped low-speed Internet connection.
Version: VLC media player 2.2.1 on Windows 10
I am new to VLC world, so forgive me if this is a stupid question. Is there a way to make VLC player pause at a specific point/time without user input/intervention while playing a downloaded video --using bookmarks or some other mechanism?
Use case: I download videos from coursera website and watch them on my laptop, but lot of these videos have in-video quizzes, which can only be taken by playing the videos on coursera website. I want to put pause-points on downloaded videos at the points where there will be in-video quizzes and proceed to watch these videos offline on my laptop. When the VLC player pauses I will go to video on coursera website, take the in-video quiz, comeback and resume the video on my laptop. This way I don't have to keep looking at the progress bar on the player and manually pause the video when the player reaches a time/point where in-video quiz will be present. The reason for all this circus is that I have a data-capped low-speed Internet connection.
Version: VLC media player 2.2.1 on Windows 10