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Trigg a PIN on comport

Posted: 18 Jul 2015 10:52
by sm6tbe
I want to trigg a pin on Comport or LPT port just before a file is starting, and after, let the PIN go low again.
Is this possible to implement into VLC ?
i want to connect with a relay to a button on a Public address system that i have. so i can just start a sound file, and after the relay
will close the PA activation.
best regards

Re: Trigg a PIN on comport

Posted: 18 Jul 2015 19:55
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Sorry, I don't understand what Comport or LPT are.

Re: Trigg a PIN on comport

Posted: 19 Jul 2015 06:23
by sm6tbe
A comport is also known as serial port, eg. COM1
LPT, is the parallellport, (now Days usually its a USB to serial or USB to parallell (LPT)).

Anyway, something that can trigger when push "play" on VLC and when file is ended, the output change again.

The reason is that, it that case, when press "play" i can with a external relay, press "start" on a public adress system. And when Music file is ended, then the system will Close.

Re: Trigg a PIN on comport

Posted: 19 Jul 2015 13:04
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf