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Ripping to flac

Posted: 22 Jun 2015 23:15
by 69Rixter

I cannot seem to get VLC to rip an entire CD in 'flac". It will do so in lossy formats, but not in lossless(flac/.ape). I'd like some help with this for it seems, a LONG time ago, I did rip an entire CD in flac. What isn't working or what must I do to get VLC to rip entire CD in lossless format? (MSWin7)?? Anyone got any ideas?
Stay Sharp:
:evil: Rick

Re: Ripping to flac

Posted: 23 Jun 2015 01:14
by kodela
There are a lot of CD-Ripper. Many are better suited than the VLC. But the VLC can with this batch file also (not FLAC but WAV and hence lossless):

Code: Select all

@ECHO OFF REM This batch file also able to ripp all the tracks of an audio CD to an MP3 or WAV-file. REM However, it must be adjust to the particular situation REM and stored in the coding OEM850. REM The path for the vlc.exe must be adapted! SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET /a n=0 SET f="" REM ### Specify the destination folder - the path name can not contain spaces ### REM ### Here, for example: -> D:\VLC\Musik\Interlude\ ### SET p=D:\VLC\Musik\Interlude\ REM ### Adjust the path for the optical drive. ### REM ### Here, for example: -> G:\ ### FOR /R G:\ %%L IN (*.cda) DO (CALL :sub_transcode "%%L") GOTO :eof :sub_transcode Call SET /a n=n+1 ECHO Transcodiere %1 IF !n! GTR 9 GOTO :without_zero :with_zero CALL SET f=%p%track0!n! GOTO :transcode :without_zero CALL SET f=%p%track!n! :transcode REM ### The path for the vlc.exe must be adapted! ### REM transcode to MP3 REM CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -I http cdda:///G:/ --cdda-track=!n! :sout=#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:std{access="file",mux=raw,dst=!f!.mp3} vlc://quit REM transcode to WAV CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -I http cdda:///G:/ --cdda-track=!n! :sout=#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=s16l,ab=224,channels=2,samplerate=48000}:std{access="file",mux=wav,dst=!f!.wav} vlc://quit :eof

Re: Ripping to flac

Posted: 23 Jun 2015 01:24
by 69Rixter
To; kodela

Thank You for replying. WOW!!! That seems to be an awful lot of 'code" just to get MSWin to use it. To hell with that. You see, I'm just using public comps until I get a new laptop. And in doing so, they all run MSWin. I'll just wait till I get another laptop and do all my ripping from Linux and SoundJuicer. This is just one of the many reasons I don't use MSWin. Take Care and Stay Sharp!
:evil: Rick

Re: Ripping to flac

Posted: 07 Jul 2015 13:48
by ndjamena
The delayed expansion is redundant and will just make the batch fail if you encounter a filename with an exclamation point in it.

SET /a n+=1

(He's right to be complaining, your scripting is terrible.) :)

Re: Ripping to flac

Posted: 07 Jul 2015 18:41
by kodela

I wrote:
There are a lot of CD-Ripper. Many are better suited than the VLC. But the VLC can with this batch file ...
You're right, this code is terrible and it is also completely unimportant, I would not rip my CDs using this batch file.
But You can make it better.