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Rip complete CD
Posted: 20 May 2015 17:47
by noelfitz
I am new here, and I suppose many have my query. Is there any possibility of ripping a full CD to a laptop using VLC, and if not could a way be developed?
List albums
Posted: 20 May 2015 17:51
by noelfitz
I used to use Windows Media Player, but now want to use VLC. I have transferred URLs to VLC, but would like a list of them in ways I recognize, similar to listing Windows Media Player albums, as the list I have with URLs does not tell me the contents. I would like a list showing me what is in the URLs. Is this possible?
Re: Rip complete CD
Posted: 22 May 2015 21:34
by mederi
Command line, batch script. Search the forum.
You could load urls into VLC, edit titles of playlist items (rigt-click > Information), save the playlist to file or save the playlist at first, then edit it in a text editor. You could use media library (automatically saved/loaded playlist) instead of playlist where you can create folders.