Activex player volume
Posted: 13 May 2015 13:59
I'm using the code below to play a RTP stream (thrown out by a server running VLC) as a window inside an embedded kiosk-like system. I've successfully worked around the issue whereby occasionally the video fails to render (a valid use for <marquee> tags!), but I'm having trouble muting the stream; the player does indeed load with volume of 0 (it's muted if autoplay=false), but as soon as it starts playing the stream, it goes back up to 100.
Last resort is to configure the server to throw out a second, muted stream and play that, but as that would increase overheads that end and the network, I'd much rather get it working client side.
Any ideas or tips?
Last resort is to configure the server to throw out a second, muted stream and play that, but as that would increase overheads that end and the network, I'd much rather get it working client side.
Any ideas or tips?
Code: Select all
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">
<BODY marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" bgcolor="black">
<marquee scrollamount=728" loop="0" behavior="slide">
<OBJECT classid="clsid:E23FE9C6-778E-49D4-B537-38FCDE4887D8"
codebase="file://c:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\axvlc.dll"
width="728" height="410" id="vlc" events="True">
<param name="Src" value="[RTP URL]" />
<param name="ShowDisplay" value="True" />
<param name="AutoPlay" value="True" />
<param name="Volume" value="0">