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Cannot view MPEG transport stream

Posted: 24 Feb 2015 03:33
by dh001
Stream any h264 file using ffmpeg.

eg. ffmpeg -f h264 -i slamtv60.264 -vcodec copy -f mpegts udp://

this can be played with ffplay

eg. ffplay -f mpegts -i udp://

Now run VLC and set the demux preference to MPEG Transport Stream demuxer.
Open the network stream udp://

Run ffmpeg again.
ffplay will work fine but VLC shows nothing.

Any ideas?


Re: Cannot view MPEG transport stream

Posted: 24 Feb 2015 23:38
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
We need logs.

Re: Cannot view MPEG transport stream

Posted: 25 Feb 2015 03:16
by dh001

I'm not sure where VLC creates its logs but I'm not sure they would help. I tried the above example with the h264 files found in live555 at

All of the files played in ffplay but I couldn't get anything to appear in VLC.

I'm sure it should work but I'm confused about the setup.

Are you able to stream any of the live555 files to VLC and see video? It works if you open the files but not if you open a network stream then send them with ffmpeg.

Re: Cannot view MPEG transport stream

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 06:22
by cchen23
I also would like to know where logs are created. Thanks.