Stream local Video to HDTV with DLNA

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Stream local Video to HDTV with DLNA

Postby SnahVLC » 31 Jan 2015 19:47


I have a windows 7 PC (more or less for games etc) a windows 8.1 laptop and a WD MyCloud (3 TB). All connected with a LAN and WiFi netwerk. In the same network I have a HDTV, a Settop box and and Blueray player all three with DLNA.

At this moment I'm using plex mediaplayer (software) to play most of the movies (stored DVD's on the WD Cloud).

The point is that plex always is using MS Mediaplayer which cannot play to many sorts of video's.

So I would like to change to VLC. Can be direct to my TV or Blueray player or in combination with plex.

My tv and my Blueray player both have an IP-address in my network. The point is that when I want to set-up a streaming video session with VLC the documentation always says that I need a sever part (on my PC, that's not the problem) and a client part (on an other PC). But I don;t want to stream to another PC. I want to stream to the HDTV.

Any help?

Kind regards,

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Stream local Video to HDTV with DLNA

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 02 Feb 2015 15:33

So far, no, VLC cannot do that.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Stream local Video to HDTV with DLNA

Postby SnahVLC » 02 Feb 2015 18:34

Hi Jean-Baptiste,

Thanks for your quick response. Sorry that it don't work with PLEX. But can I also do it without PLEX. So stream direct a local video stored on Windows7 PC or WD MyCloud to my HDTV or (even better) to blueray player? I have tried to set this up with VLC but so far with no luck.

Kind regards,

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