vlc streaming and local display

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 27 Jan 2015 21:53

vlc streaming and local display

Postby andrewgray » 28 Jan 2015 22:58

I am using VLC on Ubuntu 12.04, Windows XP, and Windows 7.
All three versions of VLC will not "locally display" while streaming
from the camera to another computer. Also will not "locally display"
while streaming from "IP Webcam" Android to another computer.
The streamed video is fine, but the VLC streaming computer
just displays one frozen image at the beginning. I checked
the CPU usage, and it is very low. Anyone have any ideas?
Anyone successfully "displayed locally" while streaming?

(I am using approximately 1.2 GHz AMD Athlons and 1.3 GHz Intel
single core processors. The CPU usage seems low.)
All three operating systems do exactly the same on all
three computers.

Any ideas?

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 15 Feb 2015 04:06

Re: vlc streaming and local display

Postby maximus2k14 » 15 Feb 2015 05:00


I am currently using VLC on Windows 7 and i am experiencing
a similar problem when trying to "display locally" It's displayed
as a frozen screen which then multiplies itself continuously and
is un-viewable, i've seen this on someone elses video, but surely
this is not normal and should be possible to view it locally as
is possible with viewing the stream, does this sound similar to
your problem Hope someone diagnoses this soon.

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