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Execute .bat file or send serial data at the end of video

Posted: 06 Dec 2014 11:08
by winiston

Ultimately I need to execute certain .bat file or send serial data(RS232) at the beginning of video file(starting of video file ) and also I wish to execute different .bat file at the end of same video file. What are the setting i have to make in VLC player or Windows 7?
My VLC player version is 2.1.5... Operating system : Windows 7.



Re: Execute .bat file or send serial data at the end of vide

Posted: 06 Dec 2014 17:50
by mederi

Code: Select all

serial.bat vlc.exe video.avi vlc://quit different.bat

Re: Execute .bat file or send serial data at the end of vide

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 07:25
by winiston
Dear Mederi,
should i make this 3 lines as a .bat file? My idea is, when i play any video file, one .bat file has to execute at the starting and ending of the file. I used to record some videos as a .mp4 file. When I play new recorded video, Automatically it should execute .bat file at starting and ending of the newly recorded video file.
Kindly help me.