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How do I cut a slice from a longer movie?

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 16:40
by Christer
Hi! I live in Sweden, so English is not my first language, and I have not found a reply elsewhere: I use VLC connected to my "RoadCamera", and it gives "movies" about 5 minutes long and almost 300 Mb each. How do I do to "cut out" 3-5 seconds in the middle of a movie (the only thing that is interesting in it) and save only THAT, and skip the rest? I hope no one asked the question before. If so I apologize, but I find no answer to my question on FAQ and so on - perhaps due to having English as a "different" language and not being a teen anymore, but a fairly old man, I do not write and read English that well.. Can somebody please help me with my problem? I would be most grateful! Best regards! Christer in Sweden

Re: How do I cut a slice from a longer movie?

Posted: 19 Nov 2014 22:16
by Christer
To be more exact: I have movies about 5 minutes long. I am only interested in 3-5 seconds in the middle. How do I do to cut this out? - save and delete the rest? Can someone help please? (or have I posted a DUMB question?) Greetings from an old man in Sweden! ;-)

Re: How do I cut a slice from a longer movie?

Posted: 20 Nov 2014 12:11
by mederi
Try to record the part of the video: View > Advanced Controls
Another way is to go through Media > Convert/Save... or Stream... wizards with [ :file-caching=300 :start-time=147 :stop-time=153] options when adding a file.
VLC is not a video editor. You better use some dedicated tool for your video file format.

Re: How do I cut a slice from a longer movie?

Posted: 20 Nov 2014 14:49
by Christer
Thank You for Your help! I tested the first of Your options, but only got the sound, - and have not found how to perform the other suggestion. I take and save a picture from somewhere in the film, but only one at a time, but still no fx 3-second-piece out of a 5 minute video. But thank You mederi for Your help! I'll try to figure out how to test Your second way of perhaps doing it! - Best regards! Christer

Re: How do I cut a slice from a longer movie?

Posted: 20 Nov 2014 15:21
by mederi