Convert DVD rotates vid for no reason, no audio and choppy

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Convert DVD rotates vid for no reason, no audio and choppy

Postby HoneyboyWilson » 04 Sep 2014 04:20


So I'm trying to rip a DVD to be able to edit it in another editing program, so I've gone through the usual Open Disc - Convert - used the default options to try that out - Video - H.264 + MP3 (MP4)

It rips to an mp4 file, but it's rotated and completely at the wrong resolution (tries to go widescreen when the DVD is in 4:3).

Any other option (ASF/WMV, AVI, etc.) that I try to use to convert doesn't make any playable file.

The DVD playback is 100% fine, as seen here:


But the converted playback is just completely wrong:


It's also very choppy and has no sound (I don't need sound for what I want to do, but I guess that isn't the point - it obviously ain't working properly!)

This is for VLC 2.1.5 running Windows 7 / 64 bit.

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