Streaming to smart TV's

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Streaming to smart TV's

Postby MattAshton » 05 Aug 2014 16:30

Hi all

Firstly, I apologise if this is in the wrong location. I wasn't sure which would be most appropriate as it's not OS specific and I'm not sure which is the most appropriate plugin.

I have two TV's that will be in a reception and a show room. I want to play live TV on them (BBC News 24) and also be able to have a custom text ticker and logo over the top or around it.

What I have been considering is getting a DVB-T tuner of some description (USB or LAN), and setting up a virtual machine to supply the feed. I could then have a small PC hooked up to the TV to act as the client. There seem to be a variety of solutions but none just a simple "take freeview feed, overlay text, output to screen".

I have seen VLMa which I was considering that I could set up as the stream server, and also have it as the VLMa daemon on and then use the in-built browser to go to the stream address on which would get rid of the need for an attached PC at all?

Any ideas?



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