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Re: Any chance for QT?

Posted: 04 Sep 2005 23:48
by fkuehne
We would have to re-write almost the entire GUI for QT, while the current wx-intf is the most complete GUI we have. Therefore, it would make much sense for us to switch to QT, while we could enhance the current wx-interface. I don't think that these differ so much from a user's point-of-view.

Posted: 15 Oct 2005 09:06
by Scorp1us
I would like a Qt (trolltech) version as well. Does anyone know what would be entailed to come up with a Qt based version - how the video would get displayed to a QWidget? I figure that is the hardest part. The rest should be hooking up buttons to functions?? (Which are already coded) This would not have to be supported by the VLC community unless it wanted to.

Posted: 19 Oct 2005 16:29
by Guest
Would be cool a QT GUI.

I think wx interface is old compared to gtk or qt.

I think QT4 will be better because has free license in all OS for GPL projects.

Posted: 19 Oct 2005 16:31
by Guest
IMO Qt is better than wX
and VLC doesn't look good on KDE

Posted: 25 Oct 2005 09:45
by Guest
I also vote for a QT interface.

Posted: 25 Oct 2005 10:46
by fkuehne
The thing isn't that we wouldn't want a QT-interface. We would like to have one too. The problem is that most of the 15000 lines of code of the WX-interface would have to be ported to QT, which is a huge amount of work.
We have got no-one in the team having that much time. If an external developer would like to work on this, we would be glad to help her and to include her work.

Posted: 02 Nov 2005 07:08
by Guest
15000 lines of GUI code :shock:

Posted: 04 Nov 2005 09:02
by huales
I also vote,
and I'm willing to work on this issue with your help.

Posted: 04 Nov 2005 09:17
by clock_zhong
I don't think it's important to choose QT or wx, because VLC's core is not UI, it's those open source codecs. It supports any OS, any format multimedia. The current implemetation of UI can work well, it's enough for me :O)

Posted: 09 Nov 2005 23:42
by Guest
I don't think it's important to choose QT or wx, because VLC's core is not UI, it's those open source codecs. It supports any OS, any format multimedia. The current implemetation of UI can work well, it's enough for me :O)
I think wx it's too ugly and old and QT4 is GPL in all OS.

I also think if VLC development team , ask for help into KDE community to port the UI to QT4 , they help them and maybe inlcude VLC package in KDE4 ...