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[OSX] Audio problems when playing Matroska (mkv) files

Posted: 29 Nov 2003 07:17
by Guest
Hi guys,

I've been a VLC user for a long time now and since I'm on a Mac, it's my default player for all media. I've recently noticed some horrible audio problems when playing .mkv files which have OGG audio streams. The sound is very choppy and extremely high pitched (lots of shrieks). The mkv files are just fine and play correctly under Windows with WMP9 (using correct direct show filters) which makes me believe that the issue is with VLC. The details of the file are:
XviD video
Ogg English sound
Ogg Japanese sound
removable English subs
Any idea what's wrong and what can be done? If there's any interest, I can run any diagnostic you tell me to run.



Posted: 29 Nov 2003 09:35
by Sigmund
Is this file created with very new tools? The matroska people have introduced a new way to store audio in mkv files since 0.6.2 was released. Your best hope whould be to wait for 0.7.0 which fixes this

Posted: 29 Nov 2003 23:33
by The DJ

Posted: 30 Nov 2003 05:17
by Guest
Is this file created with very new tools? The matroska people have introduced a new way to store audio in mkv files since 0.6.2 was released. Your best hope whould be to wait for 0.7.0 which fixes this
I believe it has... and v0.7.0 does fix it :)
Wow! This release is tremendous! Yes, it definitely fixes the audio problems I've encountered so far! Excellent work guys!!! Space bar finally works as well :) Just like in Win version.

Thanks again!


PS: you think a keyboard FF/Back can be implemented so that you can scrub through the file when in FS mode? Like Mplayer... which uses arrow keys.

Posted: 30 Nov 2003 23:10
by The DJ

Posted: 01 Dec 2003 04:07
by Guest
Sweet! Is there any way to remap this to a single arrowleft/right key since this is a very often used function?

Also, is there a way to make it "jump" 5-10 sec back/forward instead of current implementation?

While testing 0.7.0pre, I noticed that Command-Q does not work. Also, there is a black region in the player right above the "Position" slider. Don't think that's intentional.

Thanks for all the hard work!


Posted: 01 Dec 2003 09:09
by The DJ
Yes, it is possible to remap keys, look at the Hotkeys section in the preferences. There is a bug in here though that prevents you from saving more than one change at a time.

atm it IS jumping back/forward ten seconds.

The problem with command Q is very weird. i do not understand why it is there, i'm not affected personnally.

And the black area is somewhat intentional, in that it is something that isn't finished.

Posted: 02 Dec 2003 04:05
by MikeBell
Fantastic, thank you!

I managed to remap the keys for Fwd/Rew to single keystrokes but Quit is really messed up. I can't set it to Cmmd-Q. It gets remapped to Ctrl or Option etc but not Cmmd. Weird.

When I use seek (Rew/Fwd) Position bar doesn't get updated and timer is also stuck at previous position.

Posted: 02 Dec 2003 13:51
by The DJ
What version of Mac OS do you use?
Could you open the file HOME/Library/Preferences/VLC/vlcrc
in and look for "key-quit" ?

Paste the 10 lines around that here.

Posted: 03 Dec 2003 00:30
by MikeBell
What version of Mac OS do you use?
Could you open the file HOME/Library/Preferences/VLC/vlcrc
in and look for "key-quit" ?

Paste the 10 lines around that here.
I run Panther with latest updates installed. Here's the lines in question:

Code: Select all

# Jump forward 5 minutes (key) key-jump+5min=Alt-Ctrl-Right # Activate (key) key-nav-activate=Enter # Navigate up (key) key-nav-up=Up # Navigate down (key) key-nav-down=Alt-Down # Navigate left (key) key-nav-left=Alt-Left # Navigate right (key) key-nav-right=Right # Quit (key) key-quit=Alt-q # Volume up (key) key-vol-up=Up # Volume down (key) key-vol-down=Down
This is how it was. But, I manually changed Alt-q to Command-q and now it works. No idea why it wouldn't work from changing it from GUI...

Will look into it some more.
