Video/picture problems
Posted: 13 Mar 2014 20:15
I used the 64bit version of VLC together with anyDVD for some time without problems (2.1.4 rincewind) at all. After installing some software from DVDfab + passkey, powerDVD I've got problems with interferrence of anyDVD and PASSKEY. I deinstalled DVDfab+passkey then. So it is runing again with anyDVD alone. Now the Video from a DVD is "pumping", "stuttering/tumbling". I even cannot find anything that had been changed until now. Reinstalling never works, some times the DVD is no found but can be started from the drive as listed in the system-details. With powerDVD there is no problem at all. What can be done to check interference or other possible errors? Thanks a lot!