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Choosing a DVB-C video stream

Posted: 07 Mar 2014 23:39
by foobar74

my TV provider sends two video streams for each channel, no matter if it is a HD channel or not.

Stream 0 is a H264 encoded video stream and stream 6 is an MPEG2 encoded video stream.

How can I tell VLC to chose either stream?

A DVB channel address looks like this: dvb-c://frequency=362000000:inversion:0:srate=6900000:fec=0:modulation=256QAM

Can I add an option to the channel address to make VLC chose the MPEG2 or H264 stream?

Thank you!

Re: Choosing a DVB-C video stream

Posted: 08 Mar 2014 08:59
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
You can select the program within a transponder with --program=$PID if that's what you mean.