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How do I remotly start the playback media file?

Posted: 07 Mar 2014 04:27
by kryotech

I have computers A and B.

I want to start the vlc-playback of a soundfile on computer B from computer A.

However A shall not play the file, just B.

I haven't figured out how to do that yet, is it possible with vlc? I can play files from B on A, but thats not what I need.

thanks for input

Re: How do I remotly start the playback media file?

Posted: 07 Mar 2014 04:42
by BlueKnight
You must be able to access files of computer A from computer B. Then just play the file by specifying your network path...

Not sure if I understood correctly.

Thanks! :)

Re: How do I remotly start the playback media file?

Posted: 07 Mar 2014 08:56
by Luder1999
Sounds like something that would need remote connection.
As far as I know VLC doesn't have any remote connection built in, I might be wrong though.

Assuming you have something to remotely connect to Computer B from Computer A:
- Remotely connect to B from A
- Ensure that sound is enabled on B and that you can hear it through A
- Play desired files on B
- You should be able to hear them on A.

Hope it helped!

Re: How do I remotly start the playback media file?

Posted: 07 Mar 2014 12:38
by kryotech

for a better understanding, I was looking for a solution like this:

1) Start VLC on A and tell it to listen on port (e.g. HTTP 8080)

2) send command from B to A

3) A receives command and starts playback

all computers in the same LAN, so at least that shouldn't be the problem. It's like the VLC Remote App, just with a PC instead of the app.

I can start VLC with

Code: Select all

vlc --extraintf rc --rc-host
on A

but then I don't know the command for B.

Perhaps someone has already tried this successfully.