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rc/marq broken in v2.1?

Posted: 19 Feb 2014 20:01
by cboling
I've been using the remote control interface and marquees in VLC since v1.x (Linux and Windows), and verified that they still work the same way in v2.0.8, but v2.1.0 breaks them.
I verified that the marq module still exists, and I wonder if my problem is at all related to this gentleman's post: ... rq#p389697

No errors appear when I launch VLC with
vlc --extraintf="rc" --rc-host="localhost:2323" --sub-filter=marq@m1:marq@m2:marq@m3
but no related commands are regognized in the rc interface; e.g.
when I send @m1 marq-marquee $_ or marq-refresh 300,
I get Unknown command '@m1' or Unknown command 'marq-refresh'.

Any ideas?

Re: rc/marq broken in v2.1?

Posted: 19 Feb 2014 21:13
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Yes, this is a known bug. Not sure if there is a proper bugreport.

Re: rc/marq broken in v2.1?

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 00:20
by cboling
I searched all tickets containing "marq" or "rc interface" in the description and didn't see anything (the closest I saw was #7918 relating to 2.0 and closed), so I went ahead and created #10733.

Re: rc/marq broken in v2.1?

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 12:56
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Re: rc/marq broken in v2.1?

Posted: 09 Aug 2015 17:20
by calode
Hi Guys ,

Is this gona be fixed anytime soon ? did anyone find a workaround maybe ?
I am whiling to contribute if it could help !?


Re: rc/marq broken in v2.1?

Posted: 09 Aug 2015 17:43
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
The old commands were unreliable and in my opinion, just plain terrible. I think efforts would be better spent writing a proper programming interface for filters control, than patching the old RC interface.

Nevertheless if someone wants to spend their time "fixing" this bug, they can. Still I would not count on somebody bothering when nobody bothered for two years or more.

Re: rc/marq broken in v2.1?

Posted: 10 Aug 2015 22:02
by calode
is it possible to put the old code back in place ? and make this work momentarily , until an update is created maybe !?
or any other volunteers ? , suggestions !?
to be clear about one thing , I am still using version 2.0.8 , I couldn't use any newer versions because of missing features , maybe
that is why others did not bother or complain ... .

Re: rc/marq broken in v2.1?

Posted: 12 Aug 2015 08:12
by calode
again Rémi ,

You said " Still I would not count on somebody bothering when nobody bothered for two years or more " , but why bother asking for help , while a lot of us "somebody" waited about a year and a half
for telnet/lua to work , and now that it works after all that time , it's missing the only features that makes it special ! . Man it has been so many years that I red everywhere ppl asking , suggesting
but no answer , so why ask ! , why bother .

anyone care to help/fix ? I am in a mood for paying ! ? .

Re: rc/marq broken in v2.1?

Posted: 12 Aug 2015 10:16
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
There is no code to put back in place. The "old RC" interface was deprecated in November 2007, when work on the newer "Lua RC" interface started. The Lua RC interface never had marquee control. Since then nobody really cares anymore about the Old RC interface. Old RC is old, ugly, buggy and poorly unmaintained code: not the sort of thing that hobbyists are interested in. Unfortunately, the developer behind Lua RC left 2,5 years later and never finished what he'd started.

And that's why VLC has no good command line interface to date. There are two implementations, both broken in different ways, and nobody has time and motivation to fix one of them or write a third one.

Re: rc/marq broken in v2.1?

Posted: 13 Aug 2015 11:13
by calode
Well , I just double checked version 2.0.8 "Lua RC" has control over Logo and marquee although it's not listed in the help cmd !! , and moreover You are saying that it is a dead end !.
I say there is always a way , where there is will there is always a way , and I am not just stating feelings here , I need help and I am sure there is a certain someone who can help
with the right contribution .

so anyone ? , any recommendations maybe ?