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Can you customize context/popup menus?

Posted: 10 Feb 2014 22:56
by xr200
I've recently started using vlc, version 2.1.3. I've figured out how to customize the
toolbars, but I'm wondering if it is also possible to customize the pop up context menus
that are displayed when you right click.

For example, when I am playing a DVD on my laptop and I right click, I'll get a pop up context
menu whose first four options are Pause, Stop, Previous, and Next, followed by a bunch of
other options, including Playback. If I click on Playback, I'll get a new pop that gives me the
options for Jump Forward and Jump Backward. Is it possible to customize these menus
so that, for example, I could move the Jump Forward and Jump Backward options to the
first context menu (eg, could I move them directly under Next) somehow?


Re: Can you customize context/popup menus?

Posted: 12 Feb 2014 20:18
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
No, you cannot.