cant get 5.1 to play on vlc new verisons
Posted: 30 Jan 2014 23:53
Hi I have asked about this before but never got any help im using VLC 2.0.8 if I down load a torrent in 5.1 VLC will play this fine if I try to use any other VLC or newer version it wont display 5.1 .If I open audio then scroll down to audio device it says default or speak HP realtek HD audio if I then try to open the next box called stereo it likes a dark grey I cant open it to change anything RE: if I did have 2 stereo audio file I cant see it in stereo also I cant select 5.1 .So im not sure what to do and don't really understand it sorry.If any could fix these for me id be happy to pay you cash maybe £60 im in the London area if u can help me do send me message or link to how to fix the VLC.Thank you.