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How to get VLC to stream out using a particular NIC

Posted: 23 Aug 2005 04:33
by alaw
When there are more than one NICs on the system, how do I make VLC to stream out a UDP multicast stream through only one of the NICs ?


Same here...

Posted: 23 Aug 2005 10:16
by Craefter
I'm currently looking for the same answer. :P

The --miface-addr <string> didn't work for me.

I have one nic on my laptop and a WLAN card. Each time I insert the WLAN card the multicast traffic goes via WLAN. Default gateway has been checked and put towards the Ethernet nic.


Posted: 24 Aug 2005 06:17
by zcot

Code: Select all

--iface-addr <string>
Network Interface address:
If you have several interfaces on your machine and use the multicast solution, you will probably have to indicate the IP address of your multicasting interface here.


command line OK, what about using the plugin

Posted: 26 Aug 2005 23:12
by vsipat
I can get the interface sorted out when I launch the VLC application from the command line and specify the --iface-addr.

Now I am using the Plugin through Firefox and/or IE, but I am running into the same problem.

Is there a way to specify the --iface-addr directive to be interpretted by the plugin and passed on? If so what would it look like?
