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RTSP feed only shows first frame, then goes dark

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 00:03
by RedHelix
Hey everyone,
I have a Honeywell HD4MDIP security camera which is RTSP-capable, and management wants to know if we can use it as a webcam for marketing purposes.

Our cam hosting company's only requirement is to give them access to it through the firewall on a couple of ports which include 554. So, RTSP/RTP I guess.

Here is where I'm running into trouble: I have wide open access to this camera on my LAN, and I'm trying to open a network stream to it on VLC 2.1.2 using connection options documented here:

I plug it all in, and poof, I get the first frame of my feed. Then, nothing. Sometimes it cuts to black after a few seconds.

I can see on my switch that there *is* traffic coming from the camera to my machine at about 1Mbps. So I am connected and sucking data; I'm just not getting anything playing back.

I'm a network admin and I'll admit I'm way outside of my element in video. So if this is a network problem you can tell me straight-up what to do. Otherwise, could someone tell me what this is this indicative of?

My camera has a compression settings panel with the following settings, if that helps:
Resolution: 1280x720
Priority: Quality
Compression Ratio: High
Maximum Bit Rate (kbps): 6000
GOP (No. of Frames): 0

Re: RTSP feed only shows first frame, then goes dark

Posted: 11 Feb 2014 22:53
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
What are the logs?