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streaming over Ipv6 multicast

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 22:38
by evansmb
I am trying to stream a video over IPv6 multicast. I'm using UDP (legacy). I can get it to stream with no problem using ipv6. However the laptop fails to recieve the stream when i try using change to IPv6. Looking over the net i found a couple of paged that suggest checking the "Force IPv6 option". I have looked though the settings and have not found this option. I'm using VLC 2.1.1. Does anyone know if this option has been removed ? Would any one have any other suggestions for getting the IPv6 multicast streaming to work?

Re: streaming over Ipv6 multicast

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 22:56
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
The option no longer exists, but then again, it had no effects on multicast to begin with.