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2.1.1 Flac stuttering is back; old solutions needs update

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 11:27
by verciapoance
So from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 the flac stuttering in the beginning of files are back(at least for me). I could solve this in earlier revisions but not now since the interface and menus used to input previous cache buffer are no longer present. So why did I update? The 45th time vlc asked me to update, out of complete dispair that software now adays never seem to have the option to "NEVER UPDATE" unless you go out of your way to find a new version. It takes way too much time and fighting software when you're doing something creative or just working and trying to stay focused is a horrible problem to have.

VLC, in my heart you're the best media player out there, but I fear that without a solution to both these problems, we part ways.

Re: 2.1.1 Flac stuttering is back; old solutions needs updat

Posted: 05 Dec 2013 06:40
by splatter
Seeing the same issue having just upgraded from a 2.0.?? release , stuttering most pronounced at start of files and occasional crackling.
Files all still play fine in WMP.

Re: 2.1.1 Flac stuttering is back; old solutions needs updat

Posted: 05 Dec 2013 11:22
by verciapoance
I reverted back to 2.0.8 and the crackeling is gone. I was also experiencing most pronounced stuttering at the start of files.

Re: 2.1.1 Flac stuttering is back; old solutions needs updat

Posted: 08 Dec 2013 17:52
by pgoetz
Just to confirm that I'm having the same stuttering problem with FLACs that everyone else is experiencing. Downgrading to 2.1.0 seems to have fixed the problem.

Re: 2.1.1 Flac stuttering is back; old solutions needs updat

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 23:35
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
2.1.2 fixed that.

Re: 2.1.1 Flac stuttering is back; old solutions needs updat

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 23:24
by tripngroove
Still broken for me as of 2.1.2.

Re: 2.1.1 Flac stuttering is back; old solutions needs updat

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 18:50
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Your issue is different, then.