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Minor Fullscreen Issue

Posted: 28 Nov 2013 00:52
by reepnorp
Small issue I've noticed with 2.1.1 in Windows 7, not sure if it's present anywhere else. I did a search on these forums as well as in trac but was unable to find any reports of this so I figured I'd mention it, apologies if this is in fact a known issue.

If I'm playing a video and double-click on it to enter fullscreen mode, it takes two presses of the 'F' key to go out of fullscreen. If using the F key to enter fullscreen it only takes one press to get out, but I've managed to reproduce this every time I've double-clicked to go into it. From what I can see it looks to be specific to the fullscreen shortcut, if I double-click to go fullscreen the other keyboard shortcuts work on the first button press, it's just to exit fullscreen that this happens.

Let me know if you need any additional information and I'll see what I can provide.

Re: Minor Fullscreen Issue

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 23:13
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Yes, this is a known bug. Not sure if someone did a proper bugreport, though...