Telnet - Stream "playing" but time remains 0

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Telnet - Stream "playing" but time remains 0

Postby wrayvlc » 26 Nov 2013 20:05

I've got a bit of a strange issue that I was hoping someone might have an idea or two about.

I have VLC's Telnet interface running as a service and listening for stream requests. When the output stream is sent, it looks like this: #file{dst=[FILENAME].mp4} . We have about 15-20 people that on demand can issue this command to a particular camera to start recording and saving the stream output to a server that also runs the VLC service.

Right now I am seeing an interesting issue in which it seems that despite telnet thinking the stream is playing, it in fact is not. Here is an example:

> show
media : ( 1 broadcast - 0 vod )
type : broadcast
enabled : yes
loop : no
1 : rtsp://connection/live.sdp
output : #file{dst=E:\\DATA\\VIDEOS\\admin\\wray\\wray_2013-11-26_10
name : default
state : playing
position : 0.000000
time : 0

length : 0
rate : 1.000000
title : 0
chapter : 0
can-seek : 0
playlistindex : 1

The video file sizes in my testing have tended to be only 1-2kb. "In the wild" I've had users report that they've had cases in which their files are black screened/blank, but audio is present. I don't know if the issue I see is related but was hoping someone might have come across something similar at some point? Thanks for any help you may have.


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Telnet - Stream "playing" but time remains 0

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Dec 2013 20:09

You should share the logs.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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