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Popups on Playlist???

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 15:34
by Semper

The newest version comprises a popup when hovering with the mouse-pointer over the playlist, unnecessary!!
How to disable the feature??

Thanks a lot for your hints

Re: Popups on Playlist???

Posted: 20 Oct 2013 18:33
by pendragon1950
i'm looking for an to answer for this to.

Re: Popups on Playlist???

Posted: 21 Oct 2013 10:18
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I doubt you can, sorry.

Re: Popups on Playlist???

Posted: 21 Oct 2013 18:36
by pendragon1950
it is something that needs to be addressed, it just gets in the way when trying to see whats in the list.

Re: Popups on Playlist???

Posted: 23 Oct 2013 13:52
by Semper

Meanwhile VLC crashed several times. The last time was so severe I'd to restore the OS. That required a lot of time and temper!!!!
I do not know if this Vlc is the culprit-I installed the previous one! VLC is..or was the best player around for years, the Winplayer is pure rubbish. I would like to remove it but I do not know how this player is interconnected to other Winstuff. There are many Winthings I would remove...what will happen afterwards?

Re: Popups on Playlist???

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 21:26
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Use linux :)

Re: Popups on Playlist???

Posted: 04 Mar 2014 19:50
by johnea

I'd like to add myself to the list of people idly complaining, per the open bug ticket:

I can also offer a slightly entertaining workaround:

When the pop-up appears, move your mouse over the pop-up and _quickly_ right-click. The pop-up will disappear, removing the obstruction to your view of the playlist. However don't move your mouse afterward, otherwise the obstruction returns. (this seems at least as entertaining as most modern phone app games 8-))

From a user interface perspective, I think it's important to note that there are 4 playlist viewing modes: List, Detailed List, Icons and PictureFlow. Of these 4 views, 3 contain an image of the cover art, 2 are primarily a display of the cover art. The only view that didn't contain the cover art was the Detailed List.

The only playlist view mode that invokes the new pop-up cover art is the Detailed List.

I would assert that if a user chooses the Detailed List view, they are primarily interested in seeing an actual detailed list of the media filename and duration (and/or other selectable media file properties)

Users desiring to view cover art in the playlist already have 3/4 of the playlist views available for this viewing mode.

Users choosing Detailed List who desire a dense textual listing of media file name and properties may view this new feature as a user interface regression.

As a long time user of VLC, Thank You to All of the Devs!

I'll post the core of these comments to the bug tracker as well.

(running vlc 2.1.3 Rincewind)

Re: Popups on Playlist???

Posted: 03 Dec 2014 11:18
by jrowe
The popups on the playlist are annoying, not only because they obscure our view, but the program will put up the wrong art/info; This seems to have something to do with adding songs from different ripped CDs, and I haven't found a way to tell the program what goes with what song.

Is the popup issue going to be addressed? Is there a way to delete/change the album info/art the program associates with a given song?

Thank you.