I am brand new to vlc player. I am a former long time user of real audio player and thought that I'd try vlc since I've heard good things about it. So far so good and I may replace real audio with vlc as my main player if all goes well.
I'm having the following two problems:
1. In real audio there is a feature that I really like and consider a must have. It's called "perfect play duration". It allows the audio to acrue for up to twelve hours and the user can rewind the audio. Does vlc player have this? If so how do I activate it and use it?
2. In one of the drop down menus vlc somehow knows that I have a headset connected or it shows this by default. I selected headset and speakers, but the audio doesn't change. How do I fix this?
The only other way I can change this is if I go into my audio settings and change it that way.
3. The other feature is recording of live stream and I have just figured out how to activate this.
4. If it's ok to ask here --- Where are great websites to look for new streaming audio or streaming tv?
Thanks & I look forward to getting a response.