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streaming video for dummies

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 02:04
by justinh
I've been trying to get the 'streaming' function of VLC going and can't get anywhere with it. It is not straightforward as one might expect and the GUI is confusing. I've looked at the tutorials and they are either out-of-date (UI is too old) or just seem to be missing pertinent information.

What I am wanting to do is configure VLC to stream videos so that I can watch them from other (read, multiple) computers via a web browser interface or Windows Media Player or VLC. Is this possible with VLC?

I was expecting a workflow kinda like select the video files to stream, tell it to stream (ie, listen for clients to connect), then on another computer I'd open WMP or a web page and punch in a URL or the like and it would start playing.

Appreciate the guidance,

Re: streaming video for dummies

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 09:08
by Lotesdelere

Re: streaming video for dummies

Posted: 20 Nov 2013 02:29
by justinh
(Sorry for the late reply...) Thanks for the links, which I had seen one of them. Streaming still seems buggy (even with 2.1, which is not detected as a new version by 2.08!). The only thing I could get to work was HTTP with MPG files, and the tutorial gave the key piece -> supply a file name in the URL (e.g. go.mpg). It will allow you to select multiple files to stream, but it will stream only one file. The UI just seems to be inadequate to sufficiently guide the user to supply all the right inputs. It also needs more instructions at each step and explanations as to what some of the options are for (so the user can make an informed decision).