Save mms streaming
Posted: 30 Aug 2013 22:16
after read official doc successful save mms streming TV on my PC :
but obtain video with desynchronized audio. So, on my Windows Xp machine, try to use other muxer with different results:
Obtain broken ogg file
obtain video but no audio
can anyone suggest right syntax for all muxer:
and suggest how fix my synchronization problem ?
thank you for all info,
after read official doc successful save mms streming TV on my PC :
Code: Select all
vlc.exe yoyo.m3u --sout file/avi:myfile.avi
Code: Select all
vlc.exe yoyo.m3u --sout="#std{access=file,mux=ogg,dst=myfile.ogg}"
Code: Select all
vlc.exe yoyo.m3u --sout=file/ps:myfile.mpg
can anyone suggest right syntax for all muxer:
Code: Select all
ogg for OGG format,
ps MPEG2-PS format,
ts for MPEG2-TS format.
thank you for all info,