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NSV playback?

Posted: 07 Aug 2005 21:10
by infinitelink
So a while ago I posted a feature request to support .NSV format and streams and I've read elsewhere, though, that VLC already does. ??? How, then, do you play those if that is true? I run WinXp Pro, by the way, but hopefully OS doesn't matter (since I'll be switching eventually if I can). I also have Winamp and was experimenting by using Winamp's media library to get the http:// s of the streams and then went to "open-->network-->http://-->[enter http://###.###.etc. here] but that doesn't seem to be the trick. Any answers to this? Thanks. :)~

Posted: 07 Aug 2005 22:43
by The DJ
VLC does support NSV, but many NSV streams use the VP62 codec which VLC does not support and cannot support. It is a closed proprietary codec. Basically you can only use those streams with winamp on windows.

if a stream uses VP32 the VLC can play it. (on windows, mac or linux alike)

yes but...

Posted: 08 Aug 2005 02:49
by infinitelink
Thanks, I do know that many use VP6 and that it is propriety, however, how do you play NSV, just click or add to playlist? Also, how do you open an nsv stream that does have the supported codecs? :)
Thanks again. :)

Posted: 08 Aug 2005 14:14
by The DJ
You just need the http link to the .nsv stream. Open it in VLCs "Open Network stream" dialog.


Posted: 25 Nov 2005 16:09
by bisk8lad
I have tested this with VP31 streams and they are distorted. Audio is fine, video is jumbled and pixelated.
Can we have a straight answer on this. IS IT IMPLEMENTED OR NOT.. and if so, why is no-one able to view a nsv stream????

Posted: 27 Nov 2005 22:11
by Guest
You can get a copy of the XML file which holds all of the shows that Winamp uses for the internet tv catalog at ... stings.xml.[/url]

NSV Playback?

Posted: 28 Nov 2005 06:34
by newguest
on winxp, running vlc0.8.2, i'm viewing some downloaded nsv vp31 files, and they work perfectly.

When i upgraded to 0.8.4, I got the problem reported by bisk8lad

wtf? why backtrack?