Trying to stream H264 on Dlink cam

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Trying to stream H264 on Dlink cam

Postby patrick2901 » 10 Jul 2013 18:31

Dear VLC guys,
i am trying to get a camera working, the DLink 933L. It works on MJPG and H.264.
MJPG works fine, but i want to get the H.264 stream going due to bandwith constraints.
The strange thing is that i do not know what transport protocol to use. I called Dlink several times, they said that rtsp is supported on that cam, but when i try to get a connection with "rstp://<IpOfCam>/<videopathOfCam>, the messages in VLC say: "Connection failed: VLC could not connect to ""."
Does that mean that there is foir shure no RTSP server listening on this port?
I cannot adjust an RTSP port on the cam, only an http port.
Thanks for your help!

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