Some gfx-cards useless at pulldown? (giving extreme stutter)
Posted: 19 Jun 2013 09:32
I've experienced extreme stutter the last years with two graphicscards, Nvidia and AMD, that were supposed to handle 1080p according to both advertising and people/reviewers.
Happening with both HD x264 and low-res XviD, and with CPU reaching maybe 30-40% at most.
No matter what hardware-settings in VLC.
Quick small stutterings mostly visible during panning, really really bad I must say.
With my current gfx, Nvidia 9600GT, its about as smooth as one could expect in 60Hz on a regular monitor.
So I was thinking, maybe this extreme stutter on all 24-25fps content doesn't have to do with the gfx not handling the load (since CPU-load is low and the gfx officially really are supposed to handle it), but rather is a pull-down issue to monitors 60Hz?
Might it be that some gfx-cards handle pulldown better, while others really suck???
Now I'm finally planning to buy a new pc for myself, an AMD A10-6700 with integrated Radeon HD 8670D, and I'm really scared that this setup will give the same extreme stutterings I've experienced before with those other two gfx-cards.
Might it be that if I'm unlucky and get this stutter on my new pc, then the safest option is to sell my current VA-monitor and buy a useless and expensive TN@120Hz, just to get watchable smooth video without pulldown framerateconversions needed? (yeah I don't own any TV)
Help on this issue would be extremely appreciated!
Happening with both HD x264 and low-res XviD, and with CPU reaching maybe 30-40% at most.
No matter what hardware-settings in VLC.
Quick small stutterings mostly visible during panning, really really bad I must say.
With my current gfx, Nvidia 9600GT, its about as smooth as one could expect in 60Hz on a regular monitor.
So I was thinking, maybe this extreme stutter on all 24-25fps content doesn't have to do with the gfx not handling the load (since CPU-load is low and the gfx officially really are supposed to handle it), but rather is a pull-down issue to monitors 60Hz?
Might it be that some gfx-cards handle pulldown better, while others really suck???
Now I'm finally planning to buy a new pc for myself, an AMD A10-6700 with integrated Radeon HD 8670D, and I'm really scared that this setup will give the same extreme stutterings I've experienced before with those other two gfx-cards.
Might it be that if I'm unlucky and get this stutter on my new pc, then the safest option is to sell my current VA-monitor and buy a useless and expensive TN@120Hz, just to get watchable smooth video without pulldown framerateconversions needed? (yeah I don't own any TV)
Help on this issue would be extremely appreciated!