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Search collapses playlist tree

Posted: 02 Jun 2013 15:28
by Stef1786
Since there is no way to sort by file name, I try to organize with folder hierarchies. The playlist tree helps a great deal to find my way around.

BUT: After every search (even if no match was found) the tree collapses completely, and I have to drill my way down again, into the depth of my folder structure.

It would be great if the playlist tree would remember what branches were expanded/ collapsed before the search, and restore itself back to that state.

Or if a right-click would let me choose an "outline" level to make all branches fly out to that level, instead of having to expand each and every one.

Btw, increasing the display size does not work in the x64 version.

Re: Search collapses playlist tree

Posted: 08 Jun 2013 00:20
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Hmm, a bit hard to do, I think. You just want filtering, not search, right?

Re: Search collapses playlist tree

Posted: 08 Jun 2013 10:32
by Stef1786
Well, yes, basically I took it to be same thing: I want to see my search results by having the playlist filted by it. Immediately obvious, without having to drill down each branch.