Visualizations question...

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New Cone
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Joined: 29 Apr 2013 17:17

Visualizations question...

Postby capecove » 29 Apr 2013 17:24

Hello folks...

I play a streaming audio channel everyday. I would like to see the textual data that accompanies that (title, artist, etc.) from across a medium sized shop room. Is there a visualization that will provide that information (as sent by the streaming service) in a large enough font for me to see from 10-15 feet away on a 32 inch monitor?

I know that VLC is getting this information accurately from the streaming service, since I can see it in tiny print in the VLC dialog box.

In an ideal world, I would be able to select the TT font type and size. I would also like for it to persistently display on the screen during the entire duration of each track, not popping up for only a few seconds, then fading away for the duration of each track.

Can any of you provide any guidance for me in this regard? There is no way for me to read the tiny dialog box from even 4 feet away, not to mention 10-15 feet, which would be ideal.


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