skipping audio/video

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skipping audio/video

Postby vidspunge » 26 Apr 2013 15:08

I've been using VLC for a few years. It's set to show me when updates are available, and I always click to update. I can't remember which update - or even if it had to do with an update - but all of a sudden, about 3 or 4 months ago, videos started "hiccuping" or "skipping" every few seconds. Thinking it was the last update, I went back to a version which I knew was ok, but the skipping was still there. After Googling for endless hours, I tried all of the "fixes" mentioned by everyone, but nothing fixed the problem. Even videos from a few years ago skip. It doesn't seem to be because of any of the reasons I've read about. Is there a real explanation/cause for this annoying problem? By the way, there's no problem viewing the videos with WMP, QuickTime or any other player. Please help me get through this... :?

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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VLC version: 3.0.0-git

Re: skipping audio/video

Postby edwardw » 26 Apr 2013 21:45

To help you, we need messages, to completely understand what your problems is.
To fix this, please be sure before you start the playback to:
  1. Open: Tools -> Messages.
  2. Set Verbosity to 2
  3. Start playback to reproduce your issue
  4. Save text in a file or copy into clipboard
  5. Then paste the full resulting log here between [​code]and[​/code] (or use if it's too long)
Also don't forget to name your Operating System and provide the VLC media player version.

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